Sunday, September 29, 2013


It is certainly a wind blustery day today, I can't help but think where was some of this wind on Thursday for our sail around Whidbey? But I think this much wind would have been too much. On the drive in to church this morning it was a struggle just to keep the truck on the road and driving past Penn Cove you could see all the boats moored out there being tossed and rocked by the white caps.
Summer is officially over now, it is so cold here, we're in our big, puffy, down filled winter coats and its been raining for days and it won't stop raining until probably May or June next year, blah.
After church we had a few hours to kill before I took the kids swimming and Mark had to head off to work so we decided to take the kids to see the boat. Aislinn saw it once before when it was anchored in Port Townsend and we couldn't move for the abundance of the previous owners crap everywhere and the boys have never seen it.
In hindsight it probably wasn't the best day to do this, cold, drizzly and 40 knot wind gusts. When we got to the marina we strapped the kids into their life jackets and held tight to their hands so they wouldn't blow away.
You don't realize how long a dock actually is until you've walked it with tiny legs of a child, they were complaining it was too far halfway down to the boat. But we made it, no one blew away and they were very impressed with their first viewing one SweetHaven.
We've been reassuring them that we would have a big boat to live on and it wouldn't tip like the other ones we had gone to see (mono hulls) but the boys just couldn't picture it and were not on board with the whole sailboat thing. But once we got them down inside and showed them their "rooms" they were so thrilled.
It certainly makes me feel better seeing the kids fall in love with the boat instantly even when it is dirty and smelly and unfinished. The boys favourite part was the cockpit head. Which is literally a hole cut in one of the benches in the cockpit with a lid over it. You lift up the lid and you are looking down into the ocean below. Apparently once you have sailed 3 miles off shore you can do your business right into the water. The boys a very excited about this prospect; Ash and I, not so much.

When we had to leave Mac asked when we could come back and Aislinn is counting down how many more sleeps it is until we can live on board. Since I don't actually know when that will be I keep telling her 365 more sleeps, it's going to be a long count down.

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