Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Taking A Break.

The beautiful weather has afforded us three straight weeks of work on the boat, we have got a lot accomplished but it is now time to take a break. Not that there isn't still a ton of work to do but we all need to just live and enjoy some of this nice weather before we are thrust back into the dreary, dampness of... Well I was going to say winter, but really it's the other ten months of the year.
So now that I have sorted our boat back to some kind of livable state and no longer feel like I am in a construction zone with tools and things scattered everywhere, it's back to life as normal for a little while anyway.
Our new and improved cockpit, complete with machine gun.

My sailor.


We took a trip down to Seattle to attend a Canadian cocktail party on one of our visiting ships.

Aside from rubbing elbows with admirals things carry on about the same, swimming lessons...

...drive-in movies...

...and haircuts. It's his favourite thing, can't you tell?

Got around to organizing the tools in the port ama, a former cruiser we have befriended gave us the idea of how to repurpose those tool totes that go inside the five gallon, home depot buckets. We cut the tool sections apart and punched grommets into the top so they could be hung off of the walls.
This was the perfect solution for us because heavy things shouldn't be stored loose in the amas, when the boat is sailing it can rock side to side, amas can flop in and out of the water and the momentum can cause things to bounce around inside there. So now we have the loose tools hung on the walls inside the ama and a tool tote strapped down inside that holds the larger tools like drills and saws and so on. It's nice to be able to see the floor in there for a change. 

It's been nice to sleep in a bit and have days where I don't have to go anywhere or even really do anything, other than playing with the kids, trips to the library, outings with friends and wiling away spare time in books.

Picture from a cruising book, I thought it was funny, apparently the best defence again rodents entering through your vents is a cat on deck.

Looks familiar.

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